Most traders are inconsistent traders.

They are gamblers with a trading platform. And they are destined to lose. Why?

Because they have no process! They cannot explain exactly what it is that they do. They just buy and sell, hoping to make money. But they never learn, so they never earn.

The great traders have tried-and-true trading processes that they’ve honed over many years of trading. They have refined their process to a point where they have a virtual ATM machine with consistent payouts. They are Masters of their process. It is their process, and nobody does it better!

Most traders don’t have a process. They just wander through the ticker forest, lost and in darkness. They might as well be flipping coins or throwing darts. Some work out, and some don’t. And their name is usually Jack. Full name: “Jack Of-all-trades.”

If you want consistency, you need a process.

Scott has produced an over 6-hour workshop and gives you his strategy for Trading Actively.  It includes a 5 Part Video Series and a 135 Page workbook. The best investment you can make is in your own education.